Vishwakairali , the mouthpiece of KVA Mumbai, a tri-monthly magazine which being circulated among the members of the community. Through this media, KVA Mumbai informs all members the activities like, Management news, New Schemes, Talent Search programmes, exclusive Matrimonial columns, Arts & Cultural activities, News and outcome of the meeting from all zones. Apart from the above, readers contributions comprising Story, Poetry, Drawing, Birthday news with Photos, Members grievance, and well-informed reading etc., are published with no cost from the readers. Vishwakairali also act as an advertising channel, through we could make promote products and services to our community members.
Members utilize Vishwakairali to encourage talent, ability in literature and cultural activities, each and every member takes advantage of the versatile Vishwakairali by way of Advertising & contributions. Editor in chief Shri. N. N. Sasidharan works very hard and devotes his valuable time to make Vishwakairali to a trust worthy magazine. Members contribute their thoughts, Wisdom, Philosophy, insight and their knowledge to the Chief Editor. KVA Mumbai warmly welcomes advertisements, co-operations towards Vishwakairali for still better and brighter publication.